Geerie Winnubst MD from Lemiers in the media


Geerie Winnubst MD is a sought-after speaker and writer.
She has published several informative articles on the musculoskeletal system, rehabilitation and patient care.
On this page you will find more information about her publications.

'Gezond Idee' en Adelante

In the magazine of Maastricht UMC +, 'Gezond Idee', Winnubst wrote about the best care for every patient. In addition, Winnubst is a specialist for Adelante Zorggroep, there you will also find her article about life after a stroke.

Federatie Pas

For Federatie Pas, Geerie Winnubst MD wrote an observation on the combination of Musculoskeletal Medicine and Orthopedic Footwear.

CVA Integrated Care

At Maastricht UMC +, Geerie Winnubst MD is part of CVA Integrated Care, which offers integrated care for people who have had a stroke.